Winmalee High School is an Australian public school situated in the North of the suburb of Winmalee in the city of Blue Mountains, Australia. The School is near the National Park which has been recently placed on the World Heritage List and surrounds the City.It was established in 1985, and teaches students from year 7 to year 12. The school is famous for its Autumn Art Festival, which supports well-known local artists from throughout the region. The school colours are yellow and maroon: the school's motto is "Strive to Achieve".Autumn Art FestivalThe Autumn Art Festival, usually abbreviated to Autumn ArtFest is an annual event which attracts art collectors and the viewing public from throughout the Blue Mountains and surrounding areas. The event takes place to raise money for the school and showcases the work of well-known artists from throughout the region, such as multi-award-winning artist John Wilson, a member of the Royal Art Society of New South Wales, who featured in the 15th annual Artfest in 2006. Crafts and other goods are also sold at the event with musical items by school students.School curriculum, demographics and enrollmentThere are approximately 5670 students enrolled at Winmalee High School. Winmalee High subjects include drama, music, dance, business studies, legal studies, computing studies, technology and design, visual arts, photography, languages, food technology and physical education. There are also Higher School Certificate programs offered at rigorous levels of study such as 4 Unit Mathematics and 3 unit subjects such as English, Computing Studies, Physics and Chemistry.